bandeau_actu musicologie  vendredi 11 septembre 2020.

Rhythm in Music and the Arts in the Late Middle Ages

16th–18th November 2020, Prague, (semi-virtual)
Deadline: July 31, 2020

Late-medieval chant books include individual inscriptions or sections of cantus fractus, melodies notated in rhythmic patterns contrary to the usual 'plainchant' cantus planus. Although cantus fractus was an important part of the late-medieval and early modern musical repertory, it still remains an almost unexplored field. In the current discourse on musicology, art history and cultural history in general, the cantus fractus repertory constitutes an extremely promising field, providing an opportunity for mutual discussions and collaborative outcomes, particularly in view of the general understanding of "rhythm" in late-medieval life and art.

We invite participants from musicology, art history, cultural history, medieval philology (Latin and vernacular languages) to submit proposals of no more than 300 words for 20-minute papers to cantusfractus2020 -at-

Particularly welcome are contributions on the topics of international repertories versus local traditions, genres and forms, Patrem chants and cantiones, composition versus elaboration, manuscripts and collections, rhythmic chant and notational practice, or rhythm in late-medieval visual art and poetry.

Conference languages: English and German

Keynote: Sarah Long (Michigan State University): The Vestiges of an Elusive Artistic Circle: Plainchant Embellishments at Tournai Cathedral from the Fourteenth through Sixteenth Centuries

Programme committee: Hana Vlhová-Wörner (Czech Academy of Sciences), Barbara Haggh-Huglo (University of Maryland), Paweł Gancarczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences), Marco Gozzi (Università di Trento), Klára Benešovská (Czech Academy of Sciences), Lenka Hlávková (Charles University), Jan Ciglbauer (Charles University)

Organized by the Masaryk Institute and Archive o



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Vendredi 11 Septembre, 2020