bandeau_actu musicologie  samedi 2 mai 2020.

Like, share and subscribe: Youtube, music and cyberculture before and after the new decade

October 2-3 2020, Lisbon, Portugal
International Conference

Organization: Research Cluster in Music and Cyberculture (CysMus) of the Centre for the Study of Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM), NOVA FCSH

This conference aims to gather students, academics, artists, teachers, composers, performers and other interested parties in the discussion and research on music, internet and cyberculture, inquiring about the role of the social, cultural and technological transformations in the digital paradigm regarding the consumption, circulation, production and remediation of music. Taking into account the 15th anniversary of Youtube and the start of a new decade of the 21st century, this conference aims to discuss, among other topics, the following subjects:

- The role of Youtube in the musical paradigm from 2005

- Youtube as a tool, an object and/or a source for musicology and music education

- The impact and role of new technologies in composing and performing music

- New forms of music production, consumption and circulation online

- The uses of music in digital audiovisual contents and processes (films, tv, videogames, publicity, propaganda, social networks, etc.)

- Cybercommunities and fans, interactivity and participatory cultures

- Internet and the DIY discourse in music

- Impact and repercussions of digital culture in today’s way of life

- Cultural industries and digital aesthetics

Considering these aspects, it’s of the utmost relevance to discuss how musical practices - composing, listening, playing, teaching - have been transformed in the past fifteen years and what is to be expected and considered to be the future of music in the next decade of 2020. How was Youtube a trigger in the consolidation of new audiovisual formats online from its start? What are the new and reinvented forms of music production and consumption in digital spaces? Are these online platforms contributing to ease our daily lives? How is the internet transforming the creative industries and the agents who play a part in them? What are the main changes in music production and consumption in the industry of entertainment and audiovisual media? And also, how is the internet relevant for musicology, both as a tool and/or an object? 

Send your proposal (300 words) with a biographical note (150 words) in a doc. file to youtubeconference.cysmus -at- until March 1.


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Samedi 26 Février, 2022