bandeau_actu musicologie

mercredi 9 décembre 2020

Handel: Interactions and Influences

20–21 November 2021, London
Handel Institute Conference
The Foundling Museum, London, WC1N 1AZ
Call for Papers

The theme of this conference is prompted by the tercentenary of the Royal Academy opera Muzio Scevola, composed jointly by Amadei, Bononcini and Handel. The aim is to focus on the relationships between Handel, other composers and his audiences.

In Germany, Italy and Britain Handel drew inspiration from a wide variety of composers and literary sources, and worked with a diverse range of performers; in his turn he influenced many musicians in his own day and in later generations. How do his works – cantatas, anthems, operas, oratorios, odes, concertos, sonatas, keyboard pieces – compare with those of contemporary composers? What did he learn from them? How did he influence them and his successors?

Handel’s music also appealed to a wide variety of audiences – in the public theatres of Hamburg and Venice, in the palazzi of Italian noblemen, in London’s theatres, cathedrals and other establishments and, especially after his death, in the British provinces. Handel drew admirers from a broad spectrum of society with a wide range of musical knowledge and experience. What did they expect of him and how did they respond to what he produced?

The conference committee invites proposals for papers on any aspect of the interactions or influences between Handel and his predecessors, contemporaries or successors, or on the impact of his music on fellow-musicians or the public from the eighteenth century to the present day. Proposals on other subjects will also be considered. Abstracts of up to 300 words for papers lasting not more than thirty minutes should be sent to Professor Matthew Gardner (matthew.gardner -at- by 31 March 2021.


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Mercredi 9 Décembre, 2020