bandeau_actu musicologie  jeudi 1er octobre 2020.

Beethoven and the Piano: Philology, Context and Performance Practice

4-6 November 2020, Lugano
Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana

Organised by the Bern University of the Arts (HKB) and the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, With the scientific support of the Beethoven-Haus, Bonn, and of the Italian Musicological Society

The conference-festival on Beethoven’s keyboard music and its historically informed performing practice will take place as part of the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth. The lectures will focus on three main topics:

Keynote speakers : Christine Siegert (Beethoven-Archiv, Bonn), Barry Cooper (University of Manchester), Tom Beghin (Orpheus Institute, Gent), Clive Brown (professor emeritus, University of Leeds), Michael Ladenburger (former head of the museum and custodian of the collections, Beethoven-Haus, Bonn).

Paper proposals are accepted until 15 September. For details, see the Call for Papers.

The conference will be accompanied by two concerts and will be covered by the Radio della Svizzera Italiana. The publication of the proceedings will follow soon after the conference. All information on travel, venue and accommodation, as well as the definitive programme of the conference, will be published in due course on this website. Depending on the financial situation, the organisers hope to contribute to travel and accommodation costs of those speakers who have no other sources of support.

The conference will be preceded by two masterclasses with Alfredo Bernardini and Tom Beghin. For details on the musical programme of the masterclasses, the evening concerts, and the student concerts, please visit the CSI website.


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Mercredi 25 Mai, 2022