musicologie   vendredi 22 mars 2019.

Perspectives on Introducing a Work Level in RISM

May 9-11, 2019, Mainz
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, Germany
Registration (by 5 April)

RISM cordially invites everyone to attend the conference "Works, Work Titles, Work Authorities: Perspectives on Introducing a Work Level in RISM." 

Up to now, RISM has emphasized creating descriptions of musical sources in which works are "only" included as content-related information. But new possibilities exist thanks to the concept of work titles, which are already used in libraries and are included as a type of international authority file in VIAF. RISM would like to employ this tool, but we also seek a strategy in dialogue with users from academia and libraries that goes beyond this. 

Participants will have more than just the opportunity to learn about various positions concerning titles for musical works. In addition, you can bring your opinion into the discussion and workshop and thereby influence the decisions of RISM. Workshop modules will provide an opportunity to put ideas into practice. Please bring your own laptops. A test version of our cataloging program Muscat will be available.

The conference is free and open to the public.


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Jeudi 21 Mars, 2019