musicologie   mercredi 6 mars 2019.

Musicology Today: Annual Plenary Conference of the SMI

28–30 June 2019, Maynooth
Maynooth University
Deadline: 3 March 2019

Keynote speaker: Professor Michael Beckerman (Carroll And Milton Petrie Professor of Music, New York University)

Notwithstanding its relatively young age, musicology has experienced many subject specialisations: for instance, a broad range of music-historical approaches; compositional aesthetics; matters of musical performance (both classical and traditional); iconography; music theory and analysis; organology; palaeography; relationships between music, text, and/or imagery of various kinds; intersections between music, socio-politics, gender, ethnicity, and religion; and aspects of technology including evolving digital cultures. Despite (or because of) these developments musicology continues to ignite discussions within academia and among the general public. As an academic discipline, musicology borrows from and adds to such other disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, architecture, computer science, cultural studies, fine arts, history, literary studies, media studies, philosophy, physics, psychology, and sociology. In the public domain, musicological considerations can be a powerful tool to illuminate cultural heritage both regionally and internationally, to address and resolve socio-cultural issues, and to enhance the mental well-being of individuals and whole communities.

The programme committee invites proposals for contributions on any aspect of musicology. Accepted formats include but are not limited to:

-          20-minute papers;

-          90-minute panels comprising up to four contributions;

-          30- or 60-minute lecture recitals; and

-          posters (no smaller than A3).

Please send your proposals to smiconference2019 -at- by 3 March 2019. Please include: an abstract of no more than 250 words in a word-compatible format, a biographical note of no more than 150 words, contact details including academic affiliation, if applicable, and any technological requirements.

The programme committee includes Dr Anja Bunzel (Chair, Maynooth University), Dr Patrick Devine (Independent), Dr Darina McCarthy (Maynooth University), Dr John O’Flynn (Dublin City University), and Dr Adrian Scahill (Maynooth University).


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Mercredi 6 Mars, 2019