
Music and National Identity

March 14th-15th 2020
Middle Tennessee State University

The Musicology Faculty in the School of Music at Middle Tennessee State University invites proposals of up to 300 words for scholarly presentations broadly aligned to the theme of the Construction of National Identity in Music.

Recently, The Guardian (March 6, 2019) identified a “Two decade surge in populist rhetoric…” With this rhetoric, a number of movements have embraced the ideal of national identity to achieve their political ends, particularly in music. From El Sistema’s rise a as model product of socialist Venezuela (now quite problematic), Ukrainian nationalism in Gangsta Rap, to popular Music in the U.S. such as Childish Gambino’s “This Is America” or Gary Clark’s “This Land,” through re-trenchment, reappropriation, and any number of other perspectives, national identity is a centered expression. Of course this is not new, nationalism has long been a subject of expression and study but with this in mind we hope to bring these expressions into context and dialogue.

We welcome a diversity of perspectives, not only of a cosmopolitan, but also an insularist perspective and perspectives beyond this tired dialectic--studies of music composed for, against, or that in some way articulate a nationalist identity. Submissions are welcome from across the spectrum of musicological investigation including historical, social, ethnographical, theoretical, or other approaches. Further, investigations of traditional, popular and classical music are all welcome.

Presentations may take the form of traditional presentations, panels, roundtable discussions, posters, or lecture recitals. Authors of the strongest papers will be invited to revise their work into critical essays for a projected book-length collection.

Please submit an abstract and short biography to Joseph.Morgan -at- mtsu dot edu by July 15, 2019.  Presenters will be notified by August 1 of the status of their applications.

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Samedi 25 Novembre, 2023