musicologie   dimanche 6 janvier 2019

Listening to Germany and Austria

October 3-6, 2019, Portland

The Music and Sound Studies Network of the German Studies Association (GSA) invites proposals from scholars for the 43nd Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon in October 3-6, 2019. We welcome proposals that consider the many different histories, politics, and experiences of listening in German-speaking communities Germany and Austria from a number of interdisciplinary approaches. We especially welcome projects that focus on noise and sound as much as on music. 

We invite papers on a wide range of topics, including:

Deadline: Friday, January 18, 2019.

Please email your title and abstract of about 250 words to Jeff Hayton (jeff.hayton -at-, David Imhoof (imhoof -at-, Kira Thurman (thurmank -at-, or Amy Wlodarski (wlodarsa -at-


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Dimanche 6 Janvier, 2019