musicologie   samedi 5 janvier 2019

Jewish Music in South Germany : History, Exile, Continuance

12‒13 July 2019, München
Hochschule für Musik und Theater München

The two-day symposium “Jewish Music in South Germany—History, Exile, Continuance” concerns itself with the music of Jews who called South Germany their home, from the earliest times to the very present. Indeed, there was and is continuance: Although the shoah marked a severe rupture of civilization and in history, after World War II thousands of Jews assembled in Displaced Persons camps in Bavaria and new communities formed as well. Today Jewish music is heard on German soil in various and ever-expanding contexts.

We are inviting papers in German and English that address the multi-faceted topics related to Jewish music in South Germany drawing upon the methodologies of ethnomusicology, historical musicology, music theory, cultural studies, and anthropology. We particularly welcome Jewish studies scholars. Encouraging a variety of topics, we hope to inspire twenty-minute presentations leaning on the following larger subject categories:

Please submit a title with an abstract of 300 words maximum, and include contact information (address, affiliation, and e-mail).

Proposals may be submitted by email before 1 February 2019 to:

Dr. Tina Frühauf & Prof. Dr. Claus Bockmaier
Hochschule für Musik und Theater München
Musikwissenschaftliches Institut
Arcisstraße 12
D-80333 München
symposiumHMTM2019 -at-


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Samedi 5 Janvier, 2019