musicologie   lundi 11 mars 2019.

II Conference AVAMUS - XV Jornadas AVAMUS

València, 23-26 July 2019
Deadline for submitting proposals for participation: April 15, 2019.
Further information

AVAMUS organizes the International Conference “The Mediterranean: migranting sounds” in collaboration with the University of Valencia and the ISEACV.

On June 17, 2018, the Aquarius, a boat carrying refugees, docked in Valencia. The wave of solidarity that ran through the city and neighboring towns in response to this arrival was intermingled with ignorance of a phenomenonmigration across the Mediterranean Seathat has been a historical constant, and which indexes both the aspirations and fears of the many peoples who share this space of passage. In a 2016 editorial entitled Musicians at the Borders, Acta Musicologica, the journal of the International Musicology Society (IMS), appealed to musicologists to intervene in these pressing matters, to participate actively in the debates about migration and its many histories, rather than staying aloof from them as has long been the tendency of the discipline. Witnessing this call, and responding to it with a will to build bridges and forge agreements, the organizers of this conference aim to facilitate new collaborations that rethink the social role of sounds in the Mediterranean in the past and in the present, and in so doing to highlight the potential of the discipline produce new narratives about the people who have long lived, traversed, and registered their sonic presence along Mediterranean shores.

This conference is interdisciplinary in its outlook, bringing together the many disciplines that examine the history and effect of music and sound, and which also interact with other approaches from the humanities and social sciences, for example art, literature, anthropology and sociology. Thus, the social and ethical dimensions are tackled both historically and synchronously, seeking out a history of movement that allows us to better understand our shared history.


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Lundi 11 Mars, 2019