dimanche 24 décembre 2017
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Surrealism and music in France, 1924-1952: interdisciplinary and international contexts

8 June 2018, London
Senate House, University of London, Friday 8 June 2018

Paris was the principal centre of surrealist activity and the focus of connections between surrealist literature, ethnology, sociology, visual arts and music. The links between surrealism and the emerging disciplines of ethnology and ethnomusicology redefined the concept of exoticism in France and were the subject of a good deal of polemical debate. However, connections between surrealism and music have been little explored, although it is clear the movement had a decisive influence on major French composers such as Pierre Boulez, Olivier Messiaen and André Jolivet. This study day initiates a transdisciplinary and international dialogue and will situate music at the heart of these debates. The day will end with a linked piano recital by the outstanding young pianist Alexander Soares.

We welcome paper proposals – in English or French – from music, literary and other scholars on relevant topics including:

Confirmed speakers include Sébastien Arfouilloux (Université de Grenoble-Alpes).

Proposals (300 words), in English or French, for 30-minute papers and a short biography (100 words) should be emailed to Dr Caroline Potter: Caroline.Potter [at] by 31 January 2018.  Enquiries may also be sent to this address.



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Vendredi 5 Janvier, 2018 2:39