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mercredi 3 mai 2018 —— La rédaction.

Staging Witches: Gender, Power, and Alterity in Music

31 October 2018, San Antonio
AMS San Antonio One-Day Pre-Conference

This one-day Pre-Conference, to be held in advance of the annual meeting of the AMS in San Antonio, aims to explore the witch in opera, musical theater, film, video games, and media that visually and sonically represent witches, interrogating alterity and non-normativity of all kinds: gender, race/ethnicity, disability, age, madness, language, and even “making sense.” Please follow the link below for the full CFP.

This event is being convened by Annegret Fauser (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Gina Bombola (Texas Christian University), Christopher Campo-Bowen (New York University), and Jennifer Walker (UNC-Chapel Hill); the event is co-sponsored by the AMS Women & Music Study Group and the LGBTQ Study Group. 

We invite proposals for eight-minute presentations in order to foreground discussion among presenters and participants. Proposals should consist of a title and a short abstract of no more than 150 words. Abstracts should be sent to Christopher Campo-Bowen at cbowen4 -at- no later than 31 May 2018.

The full CFP can be found here


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Jeudi 3 Mai, 2018