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lundi 15 octobre 2018 —— La rédaction.

Opera as Institution: Networks and Professions (1700–1914) 

November 2324, 2018, Graz
International Conference
Department of Musicology, University of Graz, Meerscheinschlössl, Mozartgasse 3, A-8010 Graz

Conference Board:  

Daniel Brandenburg (University of Salzburg), Cristina Scuderi (University of Graz), Michael Walter (University Graz), Ingeborg Zechner (University of Salzburg)

The performance of opera as musical genre demands specific institutional surroundings in order to provide the means for scenic and musical representation. Indeed operatic history, ranging from its beginnings in seventeenth-century Venice to today’s globalized opera industry, is intimately bound to the history of institutions. This conference aims to gather internationally renowned musicologists whose research focuses on the institutional histories of European opera from the eighteenth to the end of the "long nineteenth century". The intention of the conference is not to understand operatic institutions as locally distinct and isolated organizations, but rather perceive them as part of a transnational operatic network. The specific design of the conference enables to bring historical developments and shifts into account, and will lead to a deeper understanding of transnational operatic practices throughout the centuries. In addition, it will facilitate an international scholarly exchange on a complex and multifaceted topic in music history.

Conference papers will cover French, Italian, English and German operatic institutions in Europe from the eighteenth to the "long nineteenth century" and address topics such as: 

Participation in the conference is free of charge. For passive conference participants no advance registration is required.



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Dimanche 14 Octobre, 2018