mercredi 21 mars 2018
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Methods in Empirical Music Research: A Workshop for Music Scholars

May 15 to May 18, 2018, Columbus
School of Music, Ohio State University

We are pleased to announce a workshop on empirical methods in music research. This is an intensive four-day workshop taught by Prof. David Huron.

This workshop will be of interest to anyone wishing to expand or enhance their research skills in music. Participants will learn how to design and carry out music experiments, and how to apply empirical, systematic and statistical techniques to music-related problems. The workshop is designed specifically to develop practical research skills for musicians and music scholars with little or no previous background in empirical methods.

In this workshop participants are introduced to descriptive, exploratory, and questionnaire methods, field research including interview techniques, correlational and experimental methods, research design & introductory statistics, and theory formation and hypothesis testing.

The methods and tools learned by participants will be applicable to most areas of music scholarship, including performance research, music history, music analysis, theory, music psychology, education, semiotics, music sociology & anthropology, cultural policy, and other areas.

The fee for non-credit participation is $475. Participants are responsible for their own transporation, food and accommodation.

Enrollment is limited to 15 participants. Due to limited space, participants are selected in advance. An application narrative should be sent by email to Sarah Bishop (bishop.585 -at- by March 31, 2018. Applicants will be notified of their status by April 2.

For further details, see


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Dimanche 1 Avril, 2018