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Dimanche 2 septembre 2018 —— La rédaction.

The English Musical Renaissance and the Church

5 November 2018, Durham
Conference Website

The organising committee for The English Musical Renaissance and the Church and the Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies invite proposals for this one-day conference to be held at Durham University on the 5 November 2018.

We invite researchers to submit proposals engaging with perspectives on the relationship between composers associated with the English Musical Renaissance (EMR) and the church. PhD students are especially welcome to submit presentations. Proposals may address, but need not be limited to, the following topics:

Individual Proposal

Abstracts for a single speaker (20 minutes + 10 discussion) should be 350 words and clearly describe the argument, evidence, and research findings, and situate the work in relation to previous scholarship.

Panel Proposal

Abstracts for 3 speakers (1 hour) or 4 speakers (2 hours) should be 350 words and provide an outline of the main argument, evidence, and research findings of the panel, as well as situating the panel’s work in relation to previous scholarship and articulating how the research contributes to research into Victorian interdisciplinary.

Submission information

Please send your proposals as Word documents to no later than 5 September 2018. The following format should be used:

Conference Website


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Dimanche 2 Septembre, 2018