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jeudi 11 octobre 2018 —— La rédaction.

7th Conference of the Royal Musical Association Music and Philosophy Study Group

11-12 July 2019, London
Call for Papers
CFP deadlines: 26 October 2018 (proposals for Themed Sessions); 15 December 2018 (proposals for Associates and Free Sessions)

Department of Music and Department of Philosophy, Strand Campus, King’s College London, UK

Keynote speakers

Prof. Jenefer Robinson (Department of Philosophy, University of Cincinnati), Prof. Dr. Alexander García Düttmann (Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Ästhetik, Universität der Künste Berlin), Prof. Julian Johnson (Department of Music, Royal Holloway, University of London)

The RMA Music and Philosophy Study Group warmly invites session and paper proposals for this two-day international conference, to be held in London on 11–12 July 2019. The event will offer an opportunity for those with an interest in music and philosophy to share and discuss work, in the hope of furthering dialogue in this area. Following the success of last year’s format, we will run three types of session:

 Associates Sessions will be hosted by organisations with related interests;

Themed Sessions will be organised by individual session convenors, who have issued calls for papers on specific topics;

Free Sessions will be open to papers on all topics relating to music and philosophy

For further information about each session type and the Call for Papers for each


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Samedi 13 Octobre, 2018