bandeau actu musicologie

XXIV annual Conference of Italian Musicological Society

20-22 octobre 2017, Lucca
Call fro Papers

Lucca, Institute Superior Musical Studies “Luigi Boccherini”

The twenty-fourth Annual Conference of the Italian Musicological Society will be hosted in Lucca from 20th-22rd October, in collaboration with the Institute Superior Musical Studies “Luigi Boccherini”. On October 21st at 3 p.m. the annual Meeting of all members will take place.

The Conference will be divided into free paper sessions.

Scholars from all over the world are invited to submit their proposals.

In your abstract (which must not exceed 30 lines in word format) please indicate the title of the proposed paper, the state of the art in your research field, with an outline of the project and the specific contribution to the current knowledge. Only original, unpublished research will be taken into consideration: papers in print will not be accepted.

Along with the text please send also a short C/V (max. 15 lines) and indicate the A/V equipment required.

The paper shall not exceed 20 minutes in duration (corresponding to an 8-page text containing to a maximum of 16000 characters). Scholars are not allowed to send more than one abstract. Please provide your full name, address, phone number, fax number and e-mail address. 
The abstracts have to be sent to the e-mail address convegni -at- no later than June 15, 2017.  Acceptance of papers will be notified by July, 15, 2017.

We inform you that one session of the conference will be entitled: Paisiello 1816-2016. “The post anniversary”.

For further information about the conference please visit the web site: or by mail: segreteria -at-

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023