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Reading Musicals: Sources, Editions, Performance

9-11 mai 2018, Carmel
The Great American Songbook Foundation, Carmel, IN
[CFP Deadline: 15 August 2017]

Since the original publication of Geoffrey Block's seminal book Enchanted Evenings: The Broadway Musical from "Show Boat" to Sondheim and Lloyd Webber (1997; 2nd ed. 2009), musical theater research has grown exponentially. Yet there is much more to be done, and in this conference that honors both Block's own scholarship and his stewardship of the work of others, we aim to address three broad themes: sources, editions and performance.

The conference will feature extended presentations by members of the Broadway Legacies board - Tim Carter, Kim Kowalke, Jeffrey Magee, Dominic McHugh and Carol Oja - as well as Block himself.

Speakers are encouraged to present either new or ongoing work, which could be on stage or film musicals, with possible topics including: 

Prospective speakers should submit a 250-word abstract, giving details of their paper and indicating which of the three key themes it addresses. These should be sent to by 15 August 2017.

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Vendredi 17 Novembre, 2023