bandeau actu musicologie

Queering Dance Musics

10 novembre 2017, Rochester (NY)

Evening Session of the AMS Music and Dance Study Group in collaboration with the AMS LGBTQ Study Group at the 2017 Meeting of the AMS in Rochester

The AMS Music and Dance Study Group invites submissions for our evening panel titled “Queering Dance Musics,” to be held at the annual AMS meeting in Rochester, NY on Friday, 10 November 2017 from 8:00 to 9:30 PM. The panel will explore intersections of dance studies and queer studies in music. Panelists will speak for 15 minutes. The panel will be co-chaired by Daniel Callahan (Boston College) and Samuel N. Dorf (University of Dayton), who will moderate a discussion following the panelists' papers. We welcome submissions on a variety of topics related to queer approaches to music and dance.

Please submit abstracts of 250 words to the MDSG Program Committee Co-Chairs, Daniel Callahan and Samuel N. Dorf, at daniel.m.callahan -at- and sdorf1 -at- Deadline for submissions is 15 April 2017.

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Jeudi 16 Novembre, 2023