bandeau actu musicologie


Opera and Musical Theater in the United States

23-25 mars 2018, Murfreesboro
Deadline: November 1, 2017
Event Website:

Venue: Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro TN (30 miles south of Nashville)

Inquiries: Joseph.Morgan -at-

The program committee welcomes a diversity of methodological and disciplinary perspectives on opera and musical theater in the United States, including their precedents. From the imported and home-grown ballad operas of the 18th century to the musical skits and highbrow/lowbrow parodies of minstrelsy, from opera in the immigrant experience to contemporary productions at the Met or  Broadway, we seek a cross sectional glance at the rich and diverse history and culture of our subject.   We welcome perspectives from across the spectrum of musicological investigation including (but not limited to) those based on an ethnographical, historical, pedagogical, performance studies, sociological, or theoretical approaches.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Presentations may take the form of traditional paper presentations, panel sessions, roundtable discussions, posters, or lecture recitals. Authors of the strongest papers will be invited to revise their work into critical essays for a projected book-length collection.

Submission Guidelines:

To be considered, submit a 250-word abstract and 50-word biography to Joseph.Morgan -at- by November 1, 2017.  Presenters will be notified in early January, 2018 of the status of their proposal.

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paypal, 56 rue de la Fédération, 93100 Montreuil, ☎ 06 06 61 73 41.

ISNN 2269-9910.


Jeudi 16 Novembre, 2023