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Nief-Norf Research Summit 2018: New Asia

June 1516, 2018, Knoxville
Call for papers
University of Tennessee Knoxville

Cross-cultural compositions of the 20th century have been framed by critical interrogations of colonial histories, cultural appropriation, Orientalism, representation, cosmopolitanism and globalization, as well as by discourses of hybridity, multiculturalism, post-modern identity formation, intercultural exchange and community-building through music. As globalization accelerates, support for new music is increasingly decentralized, and composers are increasingly cosmopolitan, producing and consuming within a diverse, multi-local, internet-mediated community of like-minded practitioners around the world. The classical music tradition has shifted towards Asia, with musicians of Asian heritage now comprising a significant faction of leading performers around the world, and classical music widely embraced and productive of new, locally-situated meanings in many Asian countries. We seek to explore the geo-cultural conditions of new music as a musically-imagined community, even as the tradition of new music is heterogeneous and perpetually in transformation.

We invite submissions of papers that address the following and related areas:

The place of Asia and Asian musical traditions in the tradition of new music composition and performance

The geo-cultural situation of new music as a musically imagined community

The application of discourses of colonialism, post-colonialism, decolonization, hybridity, inter- and cross-culturalism, globalization, identity, appropriation, representation, and Orientalism to new music, historically and in the present

New music in Asia today

The scope, history, present and future of new music / contemporary music / modern music

We invite proposals for individual papers or presentations. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words. In your submission email, include your name, affiliation, and any technical requirements. Please do not include your name in your abstract.

Submit abstracts as PDFs to research -at- by February 15, 2018.

For more information, visit

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Jeudi 16 Novembre, 2023