bandeau actu musicologie

Music, Disability, and Intersectionality

9-12 novembre 2017, Rochester

Special session of the AMS Study Group on Music and Disability

Since the 1990s, disability studies has shared the constructivist perspective of feminist theory, queer theory, and critical race theory: disability is a socially and environmentally bound form of difference, and not biologically determined, as it is often portrayed in medical discourse. Moreover, scholars and activists are increasingly attuned to the ways disability intersects with gender, sexuality, race, and other positions of marginality and categories of identity. These interlocking sites of difference shape musical experience in profound and unpredictable ways. Intersectionality is thus a fruitful and timely critical lens through which to examine the relationship between music and disability as our scholarship moves forward.

The Music and Disability Study Group will sponsor a session on the intersection of disability and other positions of identity, methodologies, and fields of study. We seek proposals that push the boundaries of studying music and disability, and engage in non-traditional methods of presentation. Submissions may be proposed for a variety of formats, including but not limited to: collaborative presentations, short position papers, longer research papers, workshops, interviews, and traditional conference presentations.

Proposals should clearly describe (1) the argument you will make or the information you will convey, (2) the proposed format, and (3) the estimated duration of your presentation. Please submit abstracts of 250 words to -at- no later than 16 April 2017. The proposals (with all identifying information removed) will be read by the officers of the Music and Disability Study Group: Samantha Bassler and Jessica Holmes (co-chairs), Michael Accinno (social media officer), and James Deaville (blog editor). You will receive notification on the final status of your proposal by 23 April 2017. Please visit for more details.

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Dimanche 12 Novembre, 2023