bandeau actu musicologie

Material Cultures of Music Notation

20-22 avril 2018, Utrecht
CfP deadline: 1 October 2017
Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

With invited speakers, Roger Moseley (Music, Cornell University), Beth Williamson (History of Art, University of Bristol), and Kiene Wurth (Languages, Literature and Communication, Utrecht University)

Since the late twentieth century, many of the arguments for an understanding of music as a social and cultural practice have proceeded from a critique of the centrality of the score in traditional music scholarship. In the current landscape of music studies, this critical move has been largely successful, with few scholars still considering notation an objective representation of music per se. However, this begs the question of how to conceptualize the role of musical writing, representation, and visualization in the cultural practice of music.

This international conference approaches notation not just as a vessel of music-theoretical knowledge, but as an object of social interaction and cultural exchange. It encourages an interdisciplinary approach to a topic that has been at the centre of musicology's disciplinary identity, by engaging work in media studies, material culture, art history, science and technology studies, and sensory studies. It aims to bring together (ethno)musicologists and scholars in other fields working on a variety of forms of musical notation, to reconsider the nature of notation in terms of the mediation of cultural identity, creative agency, and the musical imagination, rather than the representation of musical structure.

We invite proposals for individual 20-minute papers. Proposals may consider any style, genre, or other aspect of music history, and we particularly encourage proposals on forms of notation and visualization in genres and practices that fall outside of the traditional scope of Western Art Music.

For more information please refer to our conference website:

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Dimanche 12 Novembre, 2023