
International Society for Researching and Promoting Wind Music : Call for Nomination

IGEB Research Award 2018
date limite 2 janvier 2018

IGEB (The International Society for Promoting and Researching Wind Music) invites nominations for the 2018 IGEB Research Award (formerly the Thelen Prize).

Nominations, including self-nominations, are invited for dissertations in the field of wind music research completed between 2013 and January 2018. Dissertations may be on any subject concerning wind music, in English, German, French, Spanish or Italian, from any country, worldwide.

In addition to a plaque, the winner will be invited to present a paper at the next meeting of the Society, to be held in Wadgassen, Saarland, Germany, July 18-24, 2018. The dissertation will also be considered for publication in IGEB's Reprints und Manuscripts or the Alta Musica series. The titles and abstracts of all submitted dissertations will be announced in the Mitteilungsblatt, the Society's Newsletter.

Nominations should include the following:
digital file in .pdf format
curriculum vita

NOTE: deadline January 2, 2018.

Send to: IGEB
c/o Doris Schweinzer
Leonhardstraße 82
A-8010 Graz

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Samedi 4 Novembre, 2023