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International Chopinological Conference: The integration of a work: from miniature to large scale

26 to 28 September 2018, Varsovie

We are very pleased to announce the call for abstract submissions to the conference “The integration of a work: from miniature to large scale”.

Proposed thematic areas:

I Genres

1. Genre as a way of shaping the music

2. Genre as a method of social communication: the relationship between audience and artist, the impact of reception on decisions concerning genre, form and the shaping of musical elements

3. Blurring the boundaries between genres – standard or innovative composition techniques

– popular elements in post-Classical genres

– the influence of dance forms on non-dance genres

– the merging of features from different genres in cyclic and non-cyclic forms

– the Romantics and their forerunners – the distinctiveness of Romantic composers

II Form and structure

1. The influence of the miniature on the shaping of musical form -incl. sonata form, other large forms, cyclic forms

2. The musical work as an opus. Methods of integration

3. Structuralizing musical works

– symmetry vs linear thinking in musical structure

– the use of standard and non-standard forms in genres

– building tension and climaxes in a musical work

III Culture and communication

Aspects of pedagogy and its impact on composers’ creative attitudes

– how teaching methods influenced compositional processes (e.g. Chopin and Mendelssohn vs Berlioz and Liszt), how musical training influenced musical material

– the evolution of pedagogy in nineteenth-century Europe: from individual relations to conservatory classes

IV Elements of reception

Analytical traditions – analytical methods compared (concluding with a round table discussion)

Important Deadlines

The conference is planned from 26 to 28 September 2018.

Please submit proposed titles of papers and abstracts by 31 December 2017 to the fallowing e-mail:

Abstracts, no more than 1800 characters in length, should contain the main hypothesis, information on the material analysed and the method employed, and also research results.

The Academic Committee will choose the papers no later than 15 February 2018. All those invited to participate in the conference will be obliged to submit full papers by 1 August 2016; the papers will be made available to all participants (and no one else) before the conference itself.

For full details please visit our website

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Vendredi 3 Novembre, 2023