bandeau actu musicologie

Creative Women at the end of the First World War: Endings and New Beginnings

5-7 octobre 2017, Guelph
University of Guelph (Canada)
Deadline: 15 June 2017
Keynote speakers: Annegret Fauser, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Alison Fell, University of Leeds

Geographically, politically, culturally, and socially, the world emerged from the Great War irrevocably altered. Communities and nations struggled to find expression for their communal mourning while also working to return devastated areas to prosperity. It was a time of enormous social upheaval, and many women in Europe and around the world seized this opportunity to redefine their place in society, among them women artists, writers, performers, and composers. Some sought to renew or re-establish their place in the postwar climate, while others longed for an irretrievable past. Few women belonging to this “forgotten generation” (Milligan, 1996) are well known today and, when they are, it is often for work produced before the war.

To mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I and the death of the composer Lili Boulanger, this conference explores the ways that creative women contributed to wartime culture, as well as their place in reconstruction efforts. We seek to examine how artistic women dealt with the experience of conflict and mourning and their role in re-establishing creative traditions in the changing climate of the interwar years. We invite 250-word proposals for conference papers, in English or in French, themes relating to our themes.

Please send your proposals to Drs. Kimberly Francis and Margot Irvine at LesFemmesCreatrices -at- before June 15, 2017. Please save your document as YourLastName.Keyword (for example: Francis.Boulanger)    

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