bandeau actu gazette

Confounding Expectations Graduate Student Conference. Exploring the Creative Process in Music

May 14-15, 2018
Deadline for submission: Sunday December 17, 2017
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

In past years, the conference has attracted an international roster of graduate students, and this year we are pleased to welcome Dr. Roger Moseley, Associate Professor of Music at Cornell University and author of Keys to Play: Music as a Ludic Medium from Apollo to Nintendo, to be our keynote speaker.

We encourage submissions from graduate students in musicology, theory, music education, performance, and composition, and from graduate students from other disciplines, who are studying aspects of the creative process.  We also welcome submissions on other topics related to music.

Paper presentations are allotted twenty minutes and lecture-recitals forty minutes.  A ten-minute question period will follow each presentation.  Abstracts should be approximately 350 words and must contain no information that could identify you or your institution.  All abstracts will be evaluated anonymously and should be suitable for publication in the conference program. roposals should include three separate attachments: 1) your abstract (as a PDF or DOC file, without any personal identification); and 2) a 150-word biography (as a PDF or DOC file); 3) a JPG headshot suitable for printing in the conference program.  Your email submission should also include your name, affiliation, contact information and AV requirements. 

The GMS will also be awarding a travel award to one presenter, covering their accommodations for two nights.  Any presenters are eligible for the award if they are travelling to Calgary and their presentation relates to the conference theme.  The travel award will be awarded to the eligible presenter judged to have submitted the best abstract.

See for further details or contact musicgradconference -at- if you have any questions.

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Jeudi 2 Novembre, 2023