bandeau actu musicologie

17th International Music Theory Conference: Principles of Music composing: Ratio versus Intuitio

8-10 novembre 2017, Vilnius
The deadline for proposal submissions is August 20th 2017.
November 8th – 10th 2017
Web site:

Lithuanian Academy of music and Theatre
Lithuanian Composers' Union
Vilnius, Lithuania


1. Rational processes of composition and aural intuition (theoretical insights, definition, conceptions, typology)

2. Musical work as the result of rational and intuitive creative activity (theoretical, historical and aesthetical aspects)

3. Adaptation of interdisciplinary ideas in the compositional practice based on rational and intuitive origin

4. Rational and intuitive qualities in new musical resources and techniques (sonorism, microchromatics, extended techniques, aleatory, electronics, etc.)

5. ‘Rational' and ‘Intuitive' composers: features of their works and the creative process

6. Phenomena of rationality and intuition in the contemporary compositional practice

7. Lithuanian composers: between rationality and intuition

Paper proposals (abstract and a short biography) should be sent by email pmc -at- The abstract must not exceed 500 words. The duration of full presentation is limited to 20–25 minutes.

The main language of the conference is English.

The deadline for proposal submissions is August 20th 2017. Proposals will be reviewed by the members of the scholarly committee and all applicants will be notified of the outcome in the beginning of September 2017.

The participation fee is 20 Euros.

Selected papers of the conference will be published in the annual peer reviewed scientific journal ‘Principles of Music Composing'

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023