ggest themselves for discussion at the colloquium:"> musicologie 840 musicologie

Musica artificiosa: Music as an Art and Profession

10-12 octobre 2016, Brno

51st International Musicological Colloquium Brno
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
CFP Deadline: 30 Apr 2016

The Latin noun "artificium", in its numerous meanings, refers to art, craft, skill, talent and technology. Its derived adjective, "artificiosus", accordingly bears a variety of meanings, ranging from skill, which is a condition of each craft, to the artificiality and unnaturalness inherent in rational compositional systems or technologies. This term is thus paradoxically capable of encompassing almost opposing significations in relation to music. With this in mind further possible topics suggest themselves for discussion at the colloquium:

Music as a craft, music as a vocation, music as art;

Aesthetic issues of "high" versus "low" music;

Questions of rationality and irrationality in musical structure;

The relationship between music and technology;

Music in the age of machines and information technology / post-technological music;

Technologically generated / supported / mediated music;

Virtuosity as a product of industrial society / virtuosity versus sport, etc.

20-minute papers are welcome, with further time for questions (max. 10 mins.)

Proposals in English, containing the title and abstract of the paper (maximum length 900 characters) should be submitted by email, together with a CV of the proposer (max. 900 characters), to: colloq.brno -at-

Deadline for submissions: 30. 4. 2016.
Notification of Acceptance: 31. 5. 2016.

Conference fee: CZK 1000 (active participation) / 500 CZK (active student participation).

The fee is intended to cover the publication of the conference proceedings, refreshments during the event, an evening party and further overheads.

Deadline for payment: 30. 9. 2016 via bank transfer (an account number will be specified later) or payment in cash at the conference venue.

Further questions will be answered by:

Dr Martin Flašar, Ph.D.
flasar -at-
Tel .: (+420) 549 493 790

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