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Music Theory Society of the Miu-Atlantic


Music Theory Society of the Miu-Atlantic

Tenth Annual Meeting
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Friday and Saturday March 30 31, 2012

The MTSMA welcomes proposals on any aspect of music theory. The conference will feature regular and short paper presentations, as well as a keynote address and workshop. Regular presentations are limited to 30 minutes: 20 minutes for the paper and 10 minutes for discussion. Short presentations are limited to 15 minutes: 10 minutes for the paper and 5 minutes for discussion.

Professor Joseph N. Straus (Graduate Center, City University of New York) will deliver the keynote address, Theorizing Music, Theorizing Disability. He will also conduct a professional development workshop for graduate students and faculty entitled Harmony and Voice Leading in the Music of Igor Stravinsky.

The submission deadline is December 1, 2011. For submission guidelines and additional information, please see the MTSMA web site :




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ISNN 2269-9910.


Mercredi 11 Octobre, 2023