bandeau_actu musicologie

Ligeti's later Music

Friday 30th March 2012 in Chancellor's Hall at Senate House, London University under the auspices of the Institute of Musical Research.

Speakers will include: Prof Richard Steinitz, Prof. Jane Clendinning, Prof. Peter Wiegold, Dr. Wolfgang Marx, Dr John Cucuirean, Dr. Stephen Taylor and Dr Mike Searby.

Ian Pace will be giving a lecture recital on Ligeti's Piano Etudes, and Peter Wiegold will be running a analysis workshop for student composers.

The conference will end with a performance of Ligeti's Poème Symphonique for 100 metronomes and will run 10am-6pm

Hemiola, Maximal Evenness, and Metric Ambiguity in Late Ligeti by  Stephen Taylor (University of Illinois, Urbana)

The Cosmopolitan Imagination in Ligeti's Late Works by Amy Bauer (University of California, Irvine)

An Overview of Ligeti's Sketches by Professor Richard Steinitz (Huddersfield University) Keynote speaker:

“How I wonder what you're at!” The Nonsense Madrigals in the Context of Ligeti's Late Style by Wolfgang Marx (University College Dublin)

The future or the past?:Ligeti's stylistic eclecticism in his Hamburg Concerto by Mike Searby (Kingston University)

Aspects of Harmonic Structure, Voice Leading, and Aesthetic Function in György Ligeti's In zart fliessender Bewegung  by John D. Cuciurean (University of Western Ontario)

After the Opera (and the End of the World), What Now?  By Jane Piper Clendinning  (Florida State University)

Conference fee £25 for non-students; £10 for full-time students or unwaged (including tea and coffee)

For more details see :

Or Contact Mike Searby on


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Mercredi 11 Octobre, 2023