musicologie   mercredi 13 mars 2019.

Sounds of Mass Media: Music in Journalism and Propaganda

June 7 – 9 2019, Växjö, Sweden
Call for papers
Eleventh meeting of the International Musicological Society (IMS) Study Group Music and Media (MaM)

The past decade has seen a growing scholarly interest in questions relating to music’s role and function in propaganda contexts. Music that appears in journalist contexts has not been in the focus of research yet. What matters in this context is that it shares features with propaganda music. Music in propaganda and journalism can serve both educational and demagogic policies and functions. It is this border area between information and disinformation of the masses that the eleventh MaM meeting aims at exploring. For more information please check the MaM and LNU homepage

The conference will take place at the Linnæus University Växjö (LNU), Sweden, from June 7 to 9 and will be hosted by the Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS). We invite potential speakers to submit their proposals before March 15. The committee will notify you about the acceptance of your paper by the end of March.

Each speaker will have 20 minutes for the paper plus 10 minutes for discussion. Please include as pdf or Word file: an abstract of no more than 250 words, a biographical note of no more than 150 words, contact details including academic affiliation, if applicable, and any technological requirements that exceed the standard. A projector, stereo and internet access will be provided.

Proposals have to be sent to:

The keynote speaker is Dr. Emilio Audissino, University of Southampton

The conference committee is: Dr. Tobias Pontara, Gothenburg University, Dr. Tobias Plebuch, Uppsala University, Prof. Ulrik Volgsten, Örebro University, Dr. Martin Knust, Linnæus University Växjö, Prof. Emile Wennekes, Utrecht University / chair of MaM.


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Mardi 12 Mars, 2019