musicologie   jeudi 7 mars 2019.

Song beyond the nation: translation, transnationalism, and performance

20-21 March 2019, Oxford
Conference web site
Conference venue (institution and city), Wadham College, University of Oxford, UK

This British Academy-sponsored conference brings together musicologists, modern linguists and cultural historians to examine the work of four major poets – the Persian Hafiz, the German Heine, the American Whitman, and the French Verlaine – and how their verse has been set to music by a wide range of composers. Most crucially, this conference looks at how poetry and song exist not just within individual national traditions, but across national, linguistic and cultural boundaries through acts of creative translation, transposition, imitation and performance. At the heart of the conference is an emphasis on song’s mobility and malleability – and its power to challenge pervasive accounts of music’s role in the formation of exclusively national cultures.


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Jeudi 7 Mars, 2019