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mercredi 3 mai 2018 —— La rédaction.

The Leuven Chansonnier in Context

23-25 August 2018, Antwerp
Venue: Antwerp, Campus Carolus & AMUZ
Call for Papers - deadline 1 May 2018,

Organised by the KU Leuven (Department of Musicology), Alamire Foundation (Leuven) and AMUZ, Flanders Festival-Antwerp

In 2014 a tiny music manuscript was sold in Brussels that turned out to be a previously entirely unknown late fifteenth-century chansonnier, complete and in its original cloth binding. The appearance of a new such source of any kind is extremely rare, and all the more so of one in unaltered form. Repertoire and physical characteristics date the chansonnier to c. 1470-75, and mark it out as a prestigious, personal object for wealthy nobility. The discovery adds to our understanding of fifteenth-century song in numerous ways. Among others, it deepens knowledge of the ways in which fifteenth-century song was consumed; it deepens knowledge of the circulation of fifteenth-century courtly song; it provides a new witness for known works, including the most popular songs of the time; and, most spectacularly, it adds no less than twelve new pieces to the fifteenth-century song repertory.

The conference in Antwerp aims to treat the musical and historical context of the chansonnier, including poetry, fifteenth-century chanson culture, chansonniers more broadly, repertoire dissemination, and variant versions. The conference will end with four concerts presenting the repertoire of the chansonnier in its entirety.

Find all information on the conference call


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Jeudi 3 Mai, 2018