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Vendredi 14 Avril, 2018 —— La rédaction.

The Intellectual Worlds of Johannes Brahms

1-3 February 2019, Irvine
Univ. of California, Irvine

The international conference “The Intellectual Worlds of Johannes Brahms” will take place at the Claire Trevor School of the Arts of the University of California, Irvine, from 1–3 February 2019. It will comprise two keynote lectures, one by Julian Horton and one by Natasha Loges, a Brahms concert, and a series of workshops on professional development for graduate students and early-career scholars.

The conference committee welcomes submissions from a diverse field of interdisciplinary scholars including those working on music theory and analysis, musicology, aesthetics, music and philosophy, critical theory, historiography, and German studies, and those wishing to present lecture recitals relating to the conference themes.

There are five conference themes:

  1. Literature and Poetry
  2. Philosophy and Critical Theory
  3. History, Race, and Identity Politics
  4. Brahms's Compositions and Recomposing Brahms
  5. Brahms on the Pacific

Proposals for individual papers should be no more than 300 words. Abstracts for sessions/panels/roundtables should be no more than 900 words; please indicate the number and title of each individual paper with its abstract. For lecture-recitals, please submit a description (two pages maximum) explaining the significance of the program and/or manner of performance, and a summary of the lecture component, including information pertaining to the underlying research, its methodology, and conclusions. Proposals must be in the form of a Microsoft Word attachment which includes the name, contact details, and institutional affiliation (if any) of each speaker, and a short biographical note of no more than 150 words on each speaker. The onference language is English.

Further details are available on the conference website 

Please submit proposals to ngrimes[at]uci[dot]edu by 5pm PST on Friday 15 June 2018.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their submission by Friday 20 July 2018.


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Samedi 14 Avril, 2018