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jeudi 25 mai 2018 —— La rédaction.

Popular Music, Popular Movement(s)

October 5-6, 2018, Cleveland
Deadline: June 8, 2018
Venue: Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH)

The Music Graduate Student Association at Case Western Reserve University, in coordination with the Center for Popular Music Studies, is pleased to announce a conference for graduate students (including recent graduates) to be held on October 5-6, 2018. We seek to bring together scholars, performers, and educators who engage with popular music throughout history and its interaction with: movement of the body, social and political movements, music transmission, gesture, dance, music pedagogy and movement, histories of motion, movements across borders/migration, and movement and medicine. In addition to paper sessions and lecture-recitals, the conference will feature a keynote presentation by Professor Tammy Kernodle (Miami University).

Proposals for 20-minute papers or 45-minute lecture-recitals are invited from graduate students working in all music disciplines and related fields in the humanities and beyond, including but not limited to historical musicology, historical performance, ethnomusicology, music theory, music education, and modern performance.

Proposals are due June 8 and should include an abstract of no more than 300 words, as well as the presenter’s name, institutional affiliation, and any special technology/instrument requests. Abstracts should be sent as Word documents and should exclude any information that may identify the author. Please send proposals or questions to: Taylor McClaskie (trm85 -at-


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Jeudi 24 Mai, 2018