musicologie   mardi 11 décembre 2018

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Music in the Disruptive Era: The Digital, the Internet and Beyond

Lucca, Complesso Momumentale di San Micheletto
14-16 December 2019
Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini (Lucca)

Keynotes Speakers:
• Georgina Born (University of Oxford)
• Christine Hine (University of Surrey)

The conference aims to investigate the role of the Web and how all the tools related to it have changed the way we learn, approach ourselves and experience music. What are the new forms of music production and consumption through the web? And how has the way we learn music changed? Are new genres and creative processes born? How has the Web influenced the music market? And what are the new types of jobs in music making? Can Music professionalism survive the digital wilderness? Finally, the conference intends to investigate the development of increasingly effective tools useful for musicological research, such as, for instance, the dissemination of historical sources and updated archives, as well as online scientific literature and databases.

The programme committee encourages submissions within the following areas, although other topics are also welcome:

• New Forms of Music Production, Consumption and Reception through the Web

• New Genres and Creative Processes

• Musical Discoveries and Knowledge through the Web

• The Web and Music Education

• Music and Liquid Modernity

• Music and the Digital Divide

• The Web and the Music Market

• New Kinds of Jobs in Music

• The Web and Research in Music

• Music Criticism and the Web

• Sources, Libraries and the Web

• The Web and Music Publishing

• Impacts of Digital Media on Musical Performance and Programming

• The Web, Music Copyright and other Legal Issues

• Visualizing Music: Defining the Online Experience

Programme Committee:
° David Hurwitz (
° Roberto Illiano (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)
° Massimiliano Locanto (Università degli Studi di Salerno)
° Fulvia Morabito (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)
° Pedro Ordoñez Eslava (University of Granada)
° Massimiliano Sala (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)

The official languages of the conference are English and Italian. Papers selected at the conference will be published in a miscellaneous volume. Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length, allowing time for questions and discussion. Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and one page of biography. All proposals should be submitted by email no later than Sunday 5 May 2019 to With your proposal please include your name, contact details (postal address, e-mail and telephone number) and (if applicable) your affiliation. The committee will make its final decision on the abstracts by the end of May 2019, and contributors will be informed immediately thereafter. Further information about the programme, registration, travel and accommodation will be announced after that date. For any additional information, please contact:

Dr. Massimiliano Sala


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Monday 10 December, 2018