musicologie   mercredi 19 décembre 2018.

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Music and Materialisms : A Free One-day Conference

Saturday 23rd February 2019, Kingston
Visconti Studio, Kingston University, United Kingdom
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Eric Clarke (University of Oxford)
Deadline for Proposals : 10 December 2018
Reserve free Tickets here

A full version of the call, including detailed submission instructions can be read online

This transhistorical conference seeks to draw together scholars interested in using such frameworks to challenge existent ontologies of sound and sound-making. The conference organisers are particularly interested in contributions relating to music and materialism as relating to the following themes:

The conference organisers welcome proposals for contributions in a variety of formats. Papers (20 minutes), artistic reports, performances, lecture-recitals, and interactive demonstrations (along with other formats of the proposer’s devising) are all welcome.

Please direct all enquiries to musicandmaterialism -at-

Prof. Isabella van Elferen, Kingston University
Dr Matthew Sergeant, Bath Spa University
Dr Samuel Wilson, Guildhall School of Music and Drama

Conference Organisers


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Wednesday 19 December, 2018