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Vendredi 14 Avril, 2018 —— La rédaction.

Machines and the Musical Imagination (1900-1950)

October 5, 2018, Ottawa
School of Music, University of Ottawa
Deadline for the submission of proposals: May 15, 2018

Drawing on historical, aesthetic, theoretical and sociocultural perspectives, this study day seeks to reconsider the place of machines in the musical imagination during the first half of the twentieth century, a period marked by the proliferation of mass technology.

The full call for papers (English and French version) is available

Organizers : Federico Lazzaro (University of Ottawa), Christopher Moore (University of Ottawa)

Program committee : Michel Duchesneau (Université de Montréal), Jacinthe Harbec (Université de Sherbrooke), Steven Huebner (McGill University), Ken McLeod (University of Toronto).


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Samedi 14 Avril, 2018