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vendredi 31 août 2018 —— La rédaction.

Historical Performance: Theory, Practice, and Interdisciplinarity

May 18-20, 2019, Bloomington
Third Annual Conference in Historical Performance
Indiana University Bloomington
Jacobs School of Music—Historical Performance Institute

Now in its third year, this gathering has been attended by scholars and performers from a dozen countries, with more than 35 papers offered at each outing. Scholar-performers (and performer-scholars) present new research and hypotheses, engage in conversation, and consider emergent areas in historical-performance studies covering the Middle Ages through to the early-twentieth century.

Keynote address and performance: Robert D. Levin (Harvard University)

"Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s sonatas with varied reprises and their consequence in the performance of classic period keyboard music”

On the subject of Historical Improvisation, plenary topics/speakers include:

The Middle Ages: Angela Mariani (Texas Tech University)

15th Century: Adam Knight Gilbert (University of Southern California)

16th Century: Peter Schubert (McGill University)

17th Century: William Porter (Eastman School of Music)

Improvisation and relational ethics: Nick Wilson (King’s College London)

Conference convener: Dana Marsh (Director, Historical Performance Institute, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music)

Conference Registration is now open via the following link

Conference Program (subject to minor revision)

Conference queries can be addressed by sending an email message to this address: hpi at


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Vendredi 31 Août, 2018