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mardi 11 septembre 2018 —— La rédaction.

Consuming Foreign Music, Theater, and Dance in Eighteenth-Century England

March 21-23, 2019, Denver
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
See the ASECS CFP for more details 

Chairs: Alison DeSimone (University of Missouri-Kansas City) and Amy Dunagin (Kennesaw State University)

When Italian opera arrived on the early eighteenth-century English stage, it provoked fierce debates concerning national identity, gender, party politics, and the state of England’s own dramatic and musical traditions. London’s theatrical marketplace became a space in which cultural anxieties surrounding the integration of foreign culture — Italian opera — with native traditions — English theatre — could play out on a nightly basis, with plenty of commentary following. 

This panel invites papers that examine eighteenth-century English reception of foreign musico-theatrical works from multiple disciplinary perspectives. We seek scholars who work especially in art history, cultural history, theater history, dance history, and musicology. Topics might include the reception of certain performers; the relationship between opera and politics; criticisms of opera in light of the English theatre; issues relating to gender anxieties and ambiguities (especially concerning the castrato); and musical, textual, or visual analyses of specific works. 

Paper proposals are due by September 15, 2018 to Alison DeSimone (desimonea - at- or Amy Dunagin (adunagin -at- 


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Mardi 11 Septembre, 2018