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Timbre 2018 : Timbre Is A Many-Splendored Thing

5-7 juillet 2018, Montréal
Schulich School of Music, McGill University

Timbre is a powerful structuring and emotional force in all musics, be they acoustic or electroacoustic. And yet it is one of the least understood and theorized elements of music in any discipline. Timbre 2018 aims to bring together the major timbre and orchestration researchers in the world to take stock of where the study and deployment of timbre in music is currently heading and to explore how to engage scholars and practitioners concerning its structural, expressive and affective roles in the fields of composition ("classical", pop, film, television, video games), music analysis, music theory, musicology, ethnomusicology, popular music studies, music psychology, musical acoustics, room acoustics, computer-aided orchestration, computer science, digital humanities, sound recording and auditory cognitive neuroscience.    

We invite submissions for oral presentations (20' plus 10' discussion), posters, interactive demos and musical events that specifically address the perception and use of timbre in music. For more information, please visit

Key dates

Structured abstract submission deadline: 15 December 2017
Notification of results: 31 January 2018
Early registration opens: 1 February 2018
Revised abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2018
Early registration closes/late registration opens: 31 May 2018

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023