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Thirty Years of War: Henrich Schütz and Music in Protestant Germany

May 11-12, 2018, Boston
An international conference – Call for Proposals

The Thirty Years War (1618–1648) changed the political and physical landscape of central Europe, laying waste to broad swathes of territory and bringing widespread death and disease to warrior and civilian alike. As Kapellmeister to the Elector of Saxony, Henrich Schütz had to provide music not only for standard liturgical ceremonies but also for special occasions; and as several of these marked events in the war, we have a series of works that seem almost to trace the progress of battles, negotiations, and, ultimately, the peace of 1648 that marked the end of an older Europe and the start of a new one.

The BU Center for Early Music Studies at Boston University is pleased to issue a call for proposals to participate in this international conference. We encourage submissions from musicologists, performers, and historians for papers and panels related to, amplifying, or extending the conference themes listed below. The conference will also feature a performance of Schütz’s music, entitled Thirty Years of War, organized and directed by Joshua Rifkin.

Possible Panels and Themes of Conference

Consequences of Chaos: Musical Institutions

Patronage and Poverty

Protestant / Catholic / German / Italian

From Grimmelshausen to Günter Grass: literary echoes

Schütz and others — regional differences

War and Peace: Musical Development after the Treaty of Westphalia

Individual Fates: Music Printing, Musical Production, Performance

Stress and Style Change

Please send abstracts for papers or panels by 1 December 2017 to Victor Coelho, Professor and Director, Center for Early Music Studies <cems -at->

CEMS Website: <>

Organizing Committee:  Victor Coelho (Boston University), Joshua Rifkin (Boston University), Bettina Varwig (Cambridge University).

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023