bandeau actu gazette dimanche 17 décembre 2017

The Pannonian Research Center : Center for Wind Music Research

The Pannonian Research Center was established in 1990 at the Oberschützen Institute of the Graz University of Music and Performing Arts. It was ex- panded in 2013 to become the unique and peerless International Center for Wind Music Research.

We focus on preserving historical materials and discarded archives of music clubs and associations as well as expanding our collection of books and music up to the most recent publications. In particular, some of the more unknown areas provide ample opportunity for further research.

The following resources can be researched and used in our branch library:

  1. library stock: 30,000 copies
  2. sheet music for wind bands from around 1850 to the present day
  3. scores and parts for wind band
  4. over 1,000 American editions for wind band
  5. editions for salon orchestra
  6. national and international wind music magazines
  7. more than 650 CDs and vinyl records

Together with the International Society for the In- vestigation and Promotion of Wind Music (IGEB), the Pannonian Research Center serves as a network for wind music scholars and students around the world.

Zweigstellenbibliothek Pannonische Forschungsstelle


Pannonische Forschungsstelle, International Center for Wind Music Research, Hauptplatz 8, 7432 Oberschützen Österreich, Austria. ; Leitung / Director: Dr. phil. David Gasche, +43 316 389 3313 ; Bibliothekarin / Librarian: Mag. Verena Paul, +43 316 389 3133.

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paypal, 56 rue de la Fédération, 93100 Montreuil, ☎ 06 06 61 73 41.

ISNN 2269-9910.


Mardi 21 Novembre, 2023