bandeau actu gazette

Symposium: Machine Reading and Crowdsourcing Medieval Manuscripts

October 26, 2017, Rochester
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

A group of scholars associated with Cantus, the database of the Latin chant, will share research on collaborative techniques for indexing manuscripts of medieval chant and machine-reading of early music notation. An evening performance by the women of Chicago-based early music ensemble Schola Antiqua features a pre-modern convent program, including music associated with a thirteenth-century Italian convent, which will be discussed in the morning symposium. Registration is *free*. Program here. Full details here.
Half-Day Symposium (9am-12:30pm), Hatch Recital Hall, Eastman School of Music.

Conference Organizers: Michael Alan Anderson (Eastman School of Music), Jennifer Bain (Dalhousie University), and Debra Lacoste (University of Western Ontario)

Presenters: Kate Helsen (University of Western Ontario); Sarah Long (Michigan State University); Rebecca Shaw (Dalhousie University); Barbara Swanson (York University); Tamsyn Rose-Steel (Johns Hopkins University), respondent.

Evening Concert: “Music in Secret” (7:30pm), Memorial Art Gallery (University of Rochester), performed by Schola Antiqua of Chicago; Naomi Gregory, guest director and organist.

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