bandeau texte musicologie

Recontextualising Ragtime: Connections, Influences, Perspectives

6-7 May 2017, Huddersfield, UK
A two-day symposium

Heritage Quay at the University of Huddersfield, UK

Organised by: Prof. Rachel Cowgill (University of Huddersfield) and Dr Sue Miller (Leeds Beckett University) in association with Heritage Quay at the University of Huddersfield

We invite you to a two-day symposium examining the ragtime style, bringing together scholars and practitioners from the fields of music history, ethnomusicology, musicology, Caribbean and Latin American music, jazz studies and music analysis, alongside social dance and dance recreation specialists, discographers and performers, all with a view to analysing the style in its own terms and not as a precursor to jazz. Looking at ragtime and its reception in the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe and elsewhere, the aim is to bring together all those interested in ragtime music and dance to examine systems of meanings around the term ‘ragtime' that are culture specific. We hope to question traditional narratives of the style's development (including the contradanza, tango and habanera) and invite new ways of understanding this musical style and its various manifestations.

The symposium will feature invited talks, round table discussions, performances, workshops, and a special Speakeasy event on the Saturday night (more details to follow early in 2017). There will also be a limited number of slots on the programme for individual papers - if you would be interested in taking part as a presenter, please send an abstract of 250 words along to Dr Sue Miller by 28 February 2017.

For more information, please contact: 
Dr Sue Miller S.M.Miller -at 
Professor Rachel Cowgill r.e.cowgill -at- 

Heritage Quay :

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023