bandeau actu musicologie

Popular Music Crossing Boundaries and Borders

21-22 avril 2017, Orangeburg (EUA)

Deadline: March 5, 2017
Conference Dates: 21-22 April 2017
Claflin University, Orangeburg, SC

On 21–22 April 2017, the Department of Music at Claflin University in Orangeburg, South Carolina is holding an interdisciplinary conference dedicated to the presentation, summary, and evaluation of existing research in the field of popular music broadly conceived.

The meeting will be dedicated to general reflections on issues of liminality as well as boundary and border crossings, focusing particularly on artists, genres, identities, and aesthetics that are between binaries and geographies. While all topics will be considered that explore various contexts and practices of popular music, the programming committee will take special notice of topics concerning global popular styles and popular music emanating from, or concerned with, marginalized communities to reflect the history and mission of inclusion and diversity at Claflin University.

The Program Committee welcomes proposals from individual scholars working in a range of fields including ethnomusicology, musicology, music education, music theory, performance studies, and popular culture. We also welcome a limited number of panel proposals of three to five presenters. Proposals from graduate and undergraduate students are highly encouraged.

Keynote Speaker: Birgitta Johnson, University of South Carolina “At the Cross(roads) with Beyoncé: Gospel Music, Spirituality and Convergence Culture in YouTube Cover Songs”

Papers : We invite abstracts of no longer than 250 words, including five keywords for programming purposes. Individual paper presentations are 20-minutes long, to be followed by 10-minutes of discussion.

Submission Guidelines : Please include the following information with all proposals:

Deadline : Abstracts should be sent no later than 05 March 2017 to Heather Buffington-Anderson (hbuffingtonanderson [at] Please include all needs for A/V equipment in your proposal. Questions about the organization of conference and panels should be directed to Thomas Dempster (tdempster [at]

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Jeudi 16 Novembre, 2023