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Music between China and the West in the Age of Discovery

May 14-16, 2018, Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong
CFP deadline: January 15, 2018

The Department of Music at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is pleased to announce a conference on the subject of “Music between China and the West in the Age of Discovery.”  Keynote speakers include Gene Cho (University of North Texas), Thomas Irvine (University of Southampton), and Joyce Lindorff (Temple University).  Catering in particular to early-career scholars eager to take the next steps in Chinese-Western historical musicology, the conference welcomes papers of 30 minutes of any related topic and methodology.  The time-period in question is taken broadly to be from the Han through the Qing dynasties.  For more information please see the above webpage.

Through the generous support of the Research Summit Series and the Department of Music at CUHK, as well as the Lila Wallace—Reader's Digest Endowment Fund at Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, selected participants will be eligible for either full or partial subsidy.

Interested participants should submit a 300-word abstract by January 15, 2018, directly to the convener, Jeffrey Levenberg (jlevenbe -at- 

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Dimanche 12 Novembre, 2023