bandeau actu gazette

Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference Maynooth 2018

5-8 July 2018
Deadline: 4 December 2017
Maynooth University, Ireland

The Music Department at Maynooth University is pleased to host the 2018 Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference.

We welcome papers and themed sessions on any relevant topic, from performing and recording early music in the twenty-first century, to madrigal studies, sources studies, analytical studies, medieval and renaissance music in Ireland, to mention only a few. In view of recent political events across the world, however, as a committee, we would like to suggest at least one topic and create space to consider the politics around researching, teaching and performing Med & Ren music in a time when racists, white nationalists (not only in the US) and xenophobes feel emboldened. How do we teach Med & Ren music courses that do not appear to be safe havens for white supremacists? That challenge ahistorical views of Med & Ren as all white (male) and Christian? What resources do we need? What stories are we not telling? What does intersectional, postcolonial, and/or anti-racist research, teaching and music-making look like or sound like in our field? What are the structural barriers to inclusivity and diversity in our field, and what can we do to remove them? We feel this is an important topic for our research fields, but it is not intended as a conference theme in any restrictive way and we would like to stress of course, that all themes and topics will be considered with equal interest.

The committee would like to support academic parenting. As such, a room with a fridge will be available as lactation room. The room is located on the first floor of Logic House (accessible via staircases),  the same building where the main sessions will take place.

For information contact: MedRen2018 -at-

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paypal, 56 rue de la Fédération, 93100 Montreuil, ☎ 06 06 61 73 41.

ISNN 2269-9910.


Dimanche 12 Novembre, 2023