bandeau actu musicologie

Bach in the Age of Modernism, Postmodernism, and Globalism

21-22 avril 2017, Amherst
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Although the music of J.S. Bach has inspired a voluminous amount of scholarship, the impact and appropriation of his music in the 20th and 21st centuries remains relatively unexplored. This conference seeks to bring together scholars from diverse disciplines and perspectives that share an interest in the multiple ways the music of J.S. Bach has impacted culture or inspired the work of composers, pedagogues, performers, critics, and listeners during the 20th century and beyond. Topics include Bach's influence on major composers, recent discoveries in archival research, the reception and appropriation of

"Bach" by diverse political regimes, the use of Bach's compositions as pedagogical models in higher education, the quotation from or appropriation of Bach's compositions and style, and the metamorphosis of "Bach" and his music from local to national, European, Western, and, now, Global.

Keynote Address by Michael Marissen and contributions by Brent Auerbach, Louis Epstein, Ellen Exner, Erinn Knyt, Joel Lester, Robert Marshall, Traute Marshall, Ernest May, Daniel R. Melamed, Andrea Moore, Matthew Mugmon, Szymon Paczkowski, Markus Rathey, and Janice Stockigt

For more information contact Erinn E. Knyt (eknyt -at-

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023